Spectral Clustering for Molecular Emission Segmentation


SCIMES identifies relevant molecular gas structures within dendrograms of emission using the spectral clustering paradigm. SCIMES is useful to decompose objects in complex enviroments imaged at high resolution.

Reporting issues and getting help

Please help us improve this package by reporting issues via GitHub. You can also open an issue if you need help with using the package.


This package is developed by:

  • Dario Colombo
  • Erik Rosolowsky
  • Adam Ginsburg
  • Ana Duarte-Cabral
  • Annie Hughes


Thanks for the help with the documentation to:

  • Eric Koch


If you make use of this package in a publication, please add the following acknowledgment:

This research made use of SCIMES, a Python package to find relevant structures into dendrograms of molecular gas emission using the spectral clustering approach and cite the related paper, 2015MNRAS.454.2067C

SCIMES is an astropy affiliated-package. Please also consider adding an acknowledgment for Astropy (see http://www.astropy.org for the latest recommended citation).

Public API

scimes Package


test([package, test_path, args, plugins, …]) Run the tests using py.test.


SpectralCloudstering(dendrogram, catalog, header) Apply the spectral clustering to find the best cloud segmentation out from a dendrogram.